The Board of Trustees

The RAG-Stiftung’s Board of Trustees appoints the members of the Board of Executives. It is regularly informed about decisions of fundamental importance. The Board of Trustees has five ex officio members and eight additional members.


The ex officio members are (in the order specified in the articles of association):  

  • The Minister President of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia
  • The Minister President of the State of Saarland
  • The Federal Minister of Finance
  • The Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • The Chairman of the IG BCE trade union

The eight additional members of the Board of Trustees are each appointed for a period of up to five years. The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees is elected from among the additional members. The Board of Trustees’ composition is regulated by the foundation’s articles of association. 


The members of the Board of Trustees


©Laurence Chaperon

Armin Laschet

Member of the German Bundestag, former Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia (since 2022)

Ex officio members (in the order given in the foundation’s statutes):

©Land NRW/Ralph Sondermann

Hendrik Wüst

MP of North Rhine-Westphalia, Premier of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (since 2021)

©Oliver Dietze

Anke Rehlinger

MP of Saarland, Premier of the State of Saarland (since 2022)

©Bundesministerium der Finanzen/Photothek

Christian Lindner

Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Minister of Finance (since 2021)

©BMWK/Dominik Butzmann

Dr. Robert Habeck

Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (since 2021)

©Stefan Koch

Michael Vassiliadis

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of RAG-Stiftung, Chairman of the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (since 2009)

Additional members:

©Lina Nikelowski

Martin Albers

Chairman of the Working group of Works Councils in the RAG-Stiftung and Chairman of the General works council at Evonik Industries (since 2020)

©Ralf Schultheiß

Thomas Kufen

Mayor of the City of Essen (since 2017)

©Ralph Sondermann

Annemarie Lütkes

former States Minister (since 2022)

©SPD Saar/Susie Knoll

Heiko Maas

former Federal Minister (since 2015)

©VDA/Roland Horn

Hildegard Müller

President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (since 2020)

©Reiner Priggen

Reiner Priggen

Former Chairman of the Board NRW State Association for Renewable Energy (since 2022)

©Holger Vonderlind

Dr. Andreas Reichel

Chairman of the Board of Management of STEAG GmbH (since 2017)

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